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Jun 13, 2023
249: EO Down Under with Thomas Lewin
Interview with Thomas Lewin, an Australia-based EO professional advisor and advocate, and founder of ESOP Pal.

Feb 24, 2023
Mini-cast 217: Blue Ridge ESOP Associates Acquires Majority Stake in Workplace Development
Blue Ridge ESOP Associates acquired a majority stake in Workplace Development, Inc.

Feb 1, 2022
185: Chris Michael and EO Trusts Revisited
Chris Michael of EOT Advisors discusses Employee Ownership Trusts and why EOTs are significantly easier to implement than ESOPs.

Dec 3, 2021
Mini-cast 162: Shopping EO and Mud Bay Pet Stores
Bret Keisling discusses Mud Bay, an EO pet store chain, and the importance of shopping employee-owned businesses for holiday gift giving.

Nov 19, 2021
Mini-cast 160: Thankful for EO
Why EO makes us grateful during these challenging times. In time for Thanksgiving, we spotlight 100% ESOP King Arthur Baking Company.

Jun 1, 2021
153: ICYMI Colorado EO & the RMEOC
The EO spotlight shines on Colorado with Dick Peterson and Bill Kirton, co-founders of the RMEOC; plus Jennifer Briggs on EO in CO.

May 18, 2021
151: Chris Michael and EO Trusts
Chris Michael of EOT Advisors discusses Employee Ownership Trusts and why EOTs are significantly easier to implement than ESOPs.

May 4, 2021
149: Darren Gleeman - ESOPs are NOT Boring
Darren Gleeman of MBO Ventures shares his exuberant views that ESOPs are not boring, and are, in fact, pretty sexy.

Apr 2, 2021
Mini-cast 128: EO Spotlight - Bob’s Red Mill
Bob’s Red Mill, a 100% ESOP, just marked 10 years employee owned with an amazing visit from Sen. Ron Wyden.

Mar 26, 2021
Mini-cast 127: EO Spotlight - Penmac Staffing
Celebrating 100% ESOP Penmac - a staffing agency that started with an idea and a single client and grew to over 28,000 employee owners!

May 15, 2020
Mini-cast 82: EO Spotlight on Recology
Recology is a 100-year old company and 100% ESOP since 1986. Project Equity shares how Recology is standing with its employee owners.

Apr 3, 2020
Mini-cast 76: ESOP Spotlight - Blue Ridge ESOP Associates
Blue Ridge ESOP Associates is a premiere ESOP Plan and 401(k) administration. CEO Tom Roback shares exciting news.

Nov 26, 2019
92: EO Spotlights - Will Rodriguez at Vision Point Capital; Ramona Rodriguez-Brooks at NCEO
We put our #EOSpotlight on Will Rodriguez of Vision Point Capital, who describes his efforts to raise ESOP awareness by educating CPAs...

Oct 29, 2019
89: EO Professional Spotlight - Growing Your Practice
Our EO Spotlight is on Jennifer Krieger of Weaver CPA; South Park Advisors shares how appearing on our podcast led to client engagement.

Oct 25, 2019
Mini-cast 57: Let’s Meet in Vegas - Literally!
Are you going to be in Las Vegas in November, 2019? The KEISOP Group would like to meet you! PLUS The EO Professional Spotlight Series.
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