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248: Weaver's Beyond The Numbers - Case Study of an ESOP Construction Transaction

The EsOp Podcast: Jenn Krieger's Podcast Takeover, Case Study of an ESOP Construction Transaction

Bret Keisling turns the podcast over to Jenn Krieger, Director of Valuation Services at Weaver, for her conversation with Will Rosell, CFO of ESOP Pieper-Houston Electric who discuss why the company's owner transitioned to an ESOP; his goals in addressing construction industry issues with the ESOP; how selling shareholders may continue their role with the company post-transaction; and factors to consider when determining whether an ESOP is appropriate for a company and what decision-makers wish they knew beforehand.


Episode 248 Show Notes

Note: This episode's description, key points, and speaker biographies are condensed from the original Weaver, Beyond the Numbers podcast episode Case Study: An ESOP Transaction in Construction, which you can access directly here.

Listen to more of Weaver's audio on their podcast page here.

Key points from this episode:

  • An ESOP is a great way to reward employees’ hard work while also giving the existing shareholder an exit strategy.

  • An ESOP strategy helps address recruitment and retention concerns within the construction industry.

  • Shareholders may continue their role with the company even after adopting an ESOP.

  • An ESOP consultant can help you decide if an ESOP is an appropriate fit and can arm you with the knowledge to design a custom plan for your company and industry.

About Will Rosell

Will Rosell has been with Pieper-Houston Electric for over two years. Prior to becoming CFO, Rosell was the Vice President of Doeren Mayhew Capital Advisors. He earned a BS in Accounting from Stockton University and holds his MBA in Corporate Finance and Supply Chain Management from Rutgers Business School.

About Jennifer Krieger

[From Weaver's website]: For almost a decade, Jennifer Krieger, CVA, has provided financial reporting, analysis and valuation for clients in a wide range of industries. She is a Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA) with experience valuing businesses for employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), financial reporting compliance, tax compliance, mergers and acquisitions including fairness opinions, entity dissolution and litigation. Jennifer earned both master’s and bachelor’s degrees in finance from St. Thomas University, Houston, Texas. She is proud to be the Co-Chair of the Texas Center for Employee Ownership and a member of the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, the National Employee Ownership Center, The ESOP Association, and the Association for Corporate Growth.


Work Phone: (832) 320-3414

Bret Keisling, Passionate Advocat for Employee Ownership

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Standard Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are my own and don't represent those of my own firms or the organizations to which I belong. Nothing in the podcast should be construed as guidance or advice of any kind in any field and the fact that I mentioned an organizational website or an advocate or a company on a podcast does not reflect an endorsement, but if you've heard your name or your group's name mentioned on this podcast, I'd love to have you come on and talk about it yourself.


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